Saturday, September 20, 2014

What GenEd and SpecEd Need to Know About Each Other

About Collaboration Among Regular & Special Education Teachers

With the new federal push to improve outcomes for Special Education students, GenEd will be asked to participate more fully in the development and execution of services for Special Education.

Behind the Headline: States’ Special Education Services Face Tighter Oversight by the Obama Administration 

What do both GenEd and SpecEd need to know to create an efficient collaboration?

First, I suggest GenEd do a little homework on the Special Education system, and the types of needs they will most frequently encounter in their classrooms or at the school site.

What do General Education Teachers Need To Know About Special Education? 

Types of Learning Disabilities 

And, SpecEd needs do a little research, too, checking out their school sites participation in Common Core (or other standards adopted) in order to write copacetic goals and objectives into the IEP. The best goals and objectives are ones that are already being taught in the general instruction, with as little need for adaptation to service the student as possible. When students need assistance outside of class or the schoolday, what tutoring or help classes do the school offer? Find out the teachers' schedules, office hours, and style of teaching. Be sure to relate your schedule.

Resources for Writing IEPs Aligned to Common-Core Standards

Collaborating on a daily basis, in the same room, requires a great deal of communication. You don't have to be best friends to collaborate, but you do need to be professional. There are several methods of collaboration in the classroom. Together GenEd and SpecEd teachers choose the best plan for the lesson.

Collaboration Between General and Special Education Teachers

Collaboration between General and Special Education Teachers. ERIC Digest.

Each teacher is a professional, highly qualified in an area of expertise. I would suggest SpecEd teachers only do direct instruction of a GenEd class if they hold credentials in that specific area, and GenEd teachers absorb information and advice from the SpecEd teacher on the Special Needs student's detailed program (as in the IEP) and input from the parents. The school experience of a Special Needs student is very fluid, possibly including health issues, emotional balance, and input from parents at least on a weekly basis. GenEd and SpecEd really need to communicate!

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