Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ed Tech and STEM Links of the Day 8/17/14

Excellent graphic--Edudemic does it again.

How 21st Century Learning Fits Into The Common Core  

At a time when many teachers and parents (and students!) can feel overwhelmed by the seeming overabundance of standardized tests and educational standards more generally, it falls to the teacher to help the students and parents understand how all of this fits into the larger picture of what students will need to know and be able to do to be successful in the future

The Week in Review - The Most Popular Posts 

 Ed tech freebies info from our friend Richard Byrne.
Five-Minute Film Festival: Are We Addicted to Technology? 

Scores of articles about "tech anxiety" and "tech addiction" make it abundantly clear that our relationship with technology is very complicated. As educators, it's worth thinking about how our devices are changing the way we interact with each other.

Toward better technology integration: Introducing trudacot 

Technology integration should be purposeful. That very simple statement is at the heart of the trudacot template. When we use digital technologies for learning and teaching, those uses should be intentional and targeted and not simply ‘tech for tech’s sake.’ My team continually asks the question, ‘Technology for the purpose of what?’

This article offers an analysis tool for tech use to be sure time, energy, and the student's thinking time are not wasted. 

Common Core, technology use and integration are among back-to-school goals for the new school year 

Technology is not a curriculum. It’s not a subject–it is a tool to facilitate the learning process.

Supervising the use of technology is the newest teacher skill-to-be-obtained.


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