MzTeachuh is a resource blog providing educational links for professional development, timely articles for special needs, ed tech and STEM, as well as interesting and amusing posts in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Irish STEM and Other Surprises for St. Patrick's Day
Robert Boyle
'When most people think of Ireland’s cultural heritage
they think of things like ‘The Island of Saints and Scholars’,
The Book of Kells, our great writers, Irish music, and so on. Ireland
has little by way of a scientific heritage – right? Wrong.' So begins a great article by William Reville, University College, Cork.
I am not at all surprised by discovering brilliant Irish women and men both in STEM areas--I had years of Catholic school and they were the best math teachers I ever had, Sister Gertrude, Sisters of Mercy, in particular.
Irish politics is no surprise. I don't condone violence, Jesus said He 'came to save mens' lives not destroy them.' Luke 9:46.
That being said, here is a St. Patrick's Day surprise I had this week while researching.
I remember the news report of Bobby Sands back in the 80s. But I hadn't watched the biographical movie 'Hunger' 2008 directed by Steve McQueen (12 Years A Slave, Oscar winner) which I did. It is not for the feint hearted. Actor Michael Fassbender lost 40 pounds to portray the hunger strike in Maze Prison. It is critically acclaimed. Earns the R rating.
What I didn't know was that Bobby Sands was also a poet and author, and elected to Parliament while on the hunger strike. Nelson Mandela references him as an inspiration.
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